YAMAHA Outboard motors


Model Displacement
Steering Starting Tilt
9.9FMHS 246.0 L2 Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 440 36.0 86 025
15FMHS 246.0 L2 Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 440 36.0 90 675
Model Displacement
Control Steering * Starting Tilt
F2.5BMHS 72.0 1, OHV Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 433 17.0 46 454
F2.5BMHL 72.0 1, OHV Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 560 18.0
F4BMHS 139.0 1, OHV Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 435 27.0
F4BMHL 139.0 1, OHV Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 562 28.0
F5AMHS 139.0 1, OHV Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 435 27.0
F5AMHL 139.0 1, OHV Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 562 28.0
F6CMHS 139.0 1, OHV Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 435 27.0 62 775
F6CMHL 139.0 1, OHV Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 562 28.0 69 750
F6DMHS 212.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 431 40.0
F6DMHL 212.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 558 41.0
F8FMHS 212.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 431 40.0
F8FMHL 212.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 558 41.0
F9.9JMHS 212.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 431 40.0 120 900
F9.9JMHL 212.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 558 41.0 120 900
F9.9JES 212.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Manual 431 42.0 158 100
F9.9JEL 212.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Manual 558 43.0 158 100
F15CMHS 362.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 438 51.0 144 150
F15CMHL 362.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 565 53.0 144 150
F15CEHPS 362.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Electric starter Power tilt 443 59.0 183 675
F15CEHPL 362.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Electric starter Power tilt 570 61.0 183 675
F15CES 362.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Manual 438 52.0 167 400
F15CEL 362.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Manual 565 54.0 167 400
F15CEPS 362.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power tilt 443 58.0 192 975
F15CEPL 362.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power tilt 570 60.0 192 975
F20GMHS 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 424 57.0 169 725
F20GMHL 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 551 59.0 169 725
F20GWHS 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Manual & electric starter Manual 424 60.0 179 025
F20GWHL 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Manual & electric starter Manual 551 62.0 179 025
F20GES 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Manual 424 56.0 176 700
F20GEL 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Manual 551 58.0 176 700
F20GEPS 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power tilt 429 61.0 202 275
F20GEPL 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power tilt 556 63.0 202 275
F25GMHS 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 424 57.0 185 535
F25GMHL 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 551 59.0 185 535
F25GWHS 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Manual & electric starter Manual 424 60.0 199 950
F25GWHL 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Manual & electric starter Manual 551 62.0 199 950
F25GES 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Manual 424 56.0 195 300
F25GEL 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Manual 551 58.0 195 300
F25GETS 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 426 62.0 213 900
F25GETL 432.0 L2, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 553 64.0 213 900
F30BEHDL 747.0 L3, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Electric starter Hydro tilt 536 102.0 255 750
F30BETL 747.0 L3, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 536 98.0 241 800
F40FEHDS 747.0 L3, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Electric starter Hydro tilt 414 97.0 278 535
F40FEHDL 747.0 L3, SOHC Mechanical Tiller handle Electric starter Hydro tilt 536 102.0 269 700
F40FETS 747.0 L3, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 414 94.0 267 375
F40FETL 747.0 L3, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 536 98.0 267 375
F50HETL 996.0 L4, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 527 113.0 311 550
F60FETL 996.0 L4, SOHC Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 527 113.0 358 050
F70AETL 996.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 534 119.0 409 200
F70AETX 996.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 648 121.0 409 200
F80LB 1832.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 162.0 460 350
F80XB 1832.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 166.0 460 350
F100LB 1832.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 170.0 465 000
F100XB 1832.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 173.0 465 000
F115LB 1832.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 173.0 511 500
F115XB 1832.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 177.0 511 500
LF115XB 1832.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 177.0 511 500
F130LA 1832.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 174.0 534 750
F130XA 1832.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 178.0 534 750
F150LB 2670.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 222.0 650 535
F150XB 2670.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 227.0 599 850
F/LF150LC 2670.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical IHS Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 237.0 697 500
F/LF150XC 2670.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical IHS Electric starter Power trim & tilt 642 242/243.0 697 500
F150LCB 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v DEC IHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 516 240.0 744 000
F/LF150XCB 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v DEC IHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 642 241.0 744 000
F150LSA 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v DEC IEHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 516 242.0 813 750
F/LF150XSA 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v DEC IEHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 642 243/244.0 813 750
F150LSA2 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v DEC IEHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 516 242.0 883 500
F/LF150XSA2 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v DEC IEHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 642 243/244.0 883 500
F175LA 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 224.0 767 250
F175XA 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 225.0 767 250
F175XB 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v Mechanical IHS Electric starter Power trim & tilt 642 240.0 IV 2024
F/LF175XCB 2785.0 L4, DOHC, 16v DEC IHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 642 241.0 IV 2024
F200XB 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v Mechanical Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 227.0 790 500
F200LCA 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v DEC Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 226.0 860 250
F200XCA 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v DEC Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 643 228.0 860 250
F200LC 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v Mechanical IHS Electric starter Power trim & tilt 516 240.0 860 250
F/LF200XC 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v Mechanical IHS Electric starter Power trim & tilt 642 241.0 860 250
F200LCB 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v DEC IHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 516 241.0 906 750
F/LF200XCB 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v DEC IHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 642 242.0 906 750
F200LSA 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v DEC IEHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 516 243.0 953 250
F/LF200XSA 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v DEC IEHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 642 244/245.0 953 250
F200LSA2 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v DEC IEHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 516 243.0 1 023 000
F/LF200XSA2 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v DEC IEHS Electric starter TotalTilt™ 642 244/245.0 1 023 000
F/LF225XCB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 643 263.0 1 092 750
F/LF225UCB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 770 268.0 1 116 000
F/LF225ECB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 897 273.0
F/LF250XCB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 643 263.0 1 116 000
F/LF250UCB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 770 268.0 1 139 250
F/LF250ECB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 897 273.0
F/LF250XSB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 640 288.0 1 185 750
F/LF250USB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 767 293.0 1 209 000
F/LF250ESB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 894 299.0
F/LF250XSB2 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 640 288.0 1 255 500
F/LF250USB2 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 767 293.0 1 278 750
F/LF250ESB2 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 894 299.0
F/LF300XCB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 643 263.0 1 188 075
F/LF300UCB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 770 268.0 1 209 000
F/LF300ECB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC Remote control Electric starter TotalTilt™ 897 273.0
F/LF300XSB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 640 288.0 1 255 500
F/LF300USB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 767 293.0 1 278 750
F/LF300ESB 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 894 299.0
F/LF300XSB2 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 640 288.0 1 325 250
F/LF300USB2 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 767 293.0 1 348 500
F/LF300ESB2 4169.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 894 299.0
F/LF350XSA 4256.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 640 286.0 1 255 500
F/LF350USA 4256.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 767 291.0 1 278 750
F/LF350ESA 4256.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 894 296.0
F/LF350XSA2 4256.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 640 286.0 1 325 250
F/LF350USA2 4256.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 767 291.0 1 348 500
F/LF350ESA2 4256.0 V6(60°), DOHC with VCT, 24v DEC DES (SBW) Electric starter TotalTilt™ 894 296.0
Model Displacement
Steering Starting Tilt
Price UAH
Four-stroke HIGH THRUST
FT8GMHL 212.0 L2, SOHC Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 552 43.0
FT8GMHX 212.0 L2, SOHC Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 620 44.0
FT8GEL 212.0 L2, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Manual 552 44.0
FT8GEX 212.0 L2, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Manual 620 45.0
FT8GEPL 212.0 L2, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Power tilt 557 49.0
FT9.9LMHL 212.0 L2, SOHC Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 552 45.0 153 450
FT9.9LMHX 212.0 L2, SOHC Tiller handle Hand starter Manual 620 46.0 153 450
FT9.9LEL 212.0 L2, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Manual 552 45.0 169 725
FT9.9LEX 212.0 L2, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Manual 620 46.0
FT9.9LEPL 212.0 L2, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Power tilt 557 49.0
FT9.9LEPX 212.0 L2, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Power tilt 625 50.0 190 650
FT50JETL 996.0 L4, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 530 125.0 325 500
FT60GETL 996.0 L4, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 530 125.0 385 950
FT60GETX 996.0 L4, SOHC Remote control Electric starter Power trim & tilt 644 127.0
Model Displacement
Control Steering Tilt
Four-stroke SHO VMAX
VF90LA 1832.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Power trim & tilt 516 162.0 488 250
VF90XA 1832.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Power trim & tilt 643 166.0 488 250
VF115LA 1832.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Power trim & tilt 516 176.0 557 535
VF115XA 1832.0 L4, SOHC, 16v Mechanical Remote control Power trim & tilt 643 180.0 557 535
VF150LA 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v Mechanical Remote control Power trim & tilt 516 223.0 697 500
VF150XA 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v Mechanical Remote control Power trim & tilt 643 227.0 697 500
VF175LA 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v Mechanical Remote control Power trim & tilt 516 223.0
VF175XA 2785.0 L4, DOHC with VCT, 16v Mechanical Remote control Power trim & tilt 643 227.0
Model Displacement
Control Steering * Tilt
Four-stroke XTO OFFSHORE
XF/LXF375XSA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 640 442.0
XF/LXF375USA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 767 453.0
XF/LXF375ESA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 894 463.0
XF/LXF400XSA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 640 447.0
XF/LXF400USA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 767 458.0
XF/LXF400ESA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 894 468.0
XF/LXF400XSA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 640 447.0
XF/LXF400USA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 767 458.0
XF/LXF400ESA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 894 468.0
XF/LXF425XSA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 640 442.0
XF/LXF425USA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 767 453.0
XF/LXF425ESA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 894 463.0
XF/LXF425XSA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 640 442.0
XF/LXF425USA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 767 453.0
XF/LXF425ESA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 894 463.0
XF/LXF450XSA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 640 447.0
XF/LXF450USA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 767 458.0
XF/LXF450ESA 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 894 468.0
XF/LXF450XSA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 640 447.0
XF/LXF450USA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 767 458.0
XF/LXF450ESA2 5559.0 V8(60°), DOHC with VCT, 32v DEC DES (SBW) TotalTilt™ 894 468.0
Model Transmission
Control Mounting Features Max
thrust kg
Shaft length
Voltage Engine
Price UAH
Electric Drive
M-12 5 FWD/3 REV Telescoping Tiller Lever lock 13.6 762 12 volt 30A 9 254
M-18 5 FWD/3 REV Telescoping Tiller Lever lock 18.2 914 12 volt 42A 13 439
MX-18 Variable Telescoping Tiller Lever lock 18.2 914 12 volt 42A 16 694
M-20 5 FWD/3 REV Tilt/Extend Tiller One-hand Stow 20.4 914 12 volt 42A 18 089
MS-20 Variable Telescoping Tiller Lever lock Bracket 20.4 914 12 volt 42A 23 204
M-26 Variable Tilt/Extend Tiller One-hand Stow 25.0 914 12 volt 50A 29 249
M-32 Variable Tilt/Extend Tiller One-hand Stow 31.8 1067 24 volt 42A 33 899

* note:
DEC – Digital Electronic Control
DES (SBW) – Digital Electrical Steering (Buil-in)
IHS – Integrated Hydraulic Steering
IEHS – Integrated Electro-Hydraulic Steering

Model variation up to 70 HP




Indicated Output


Product Generation




Color Code


Transom Height

F: 4-Stroke
L: Counter rotation
T: High thrust
No Marking: 2-stroke
2.5 – 70 HP A and up Starting
M: Hand starter
E: Electric starter
W: Manual & electric starter

H: Tiller handle
C: Tiller handle & remote control
S: Built-in DES (DBW) and electric start
No Marking: Remote control (Without tiller handle)

Tilt system
D: Hydro trim and tilt
P: Power tilt
T: Power trim and tilt
No Marking: Manual trim & tilt

1: Black
2: White
7: Unpainted
No Marking: Gгау
S: 15 inch / 381 mm
L: 20 inch / 508 mm
Y: 22 inch / 559 mm
X: 25 inch / 635 mm
U: 30 inch / 762 mm
E: 35 inch / 894 mm

Model variation over 80 HP




Indicated Output


Transom Height

Starting & tilt system






Color Code

F: 4-Stroke
L: Counter rotation
T: High thrust
V: VMAX series
X: XTO offshore series
80 – 450 HP S: 15inch / 381mm
L: 20inch / 508mm
Y: 22inch / 559mm
X: 25inch / 635mm
U: 30inch / 762mm
E: 35inch / 894mm
J: Jet
N: Without lower unit

Blank: PTT & electric start
Р: Power tilt & electric start
Е: Electric start
М: Manual start
W: Manual & electric starter

Blank: Remote control
Н: ТіІІег handle
С: Command link = DEC (DBW)
S: Built-in DES (SBW) and electric start
А: 1st change
В: 2nd change
С: 3rd change
2: White
7: Unpainted
No Marking: Gгау


You can buy a YAMAHA outboard motor in our store, and our experts will consult and select a compatible motor package for your boat or boat. Call us, we have a large range of original accessories and spare parts in stock or on order.
At our certified service center, mechanics will install a Yamaha outboard motor, all controls and any other additional equipment (fishing equipment, entertainment system (audio), additional lighting, and much more), after which they will test it on the service or on the water …


Remote Control Boxes

6X4 Multi-function Tiller Handle
Our convenient Multi-function Tiller Handle is available as an option for midrange outboard models.

703 remote control box
Side mount, all in one control box. Variations available for choke switch, PTT switch, connector type and throttle cable movement.

6X3 remote control box
Side mount, all in one control box. Variations available for choke switch, PTT switch, connector type and throttle cable movement.

704 (single) remote control box
Side mount, all in one control box. Variations available for choke switch, PTT switch, connector type and throttle cable movement.


6Y7 Analog Tachometer

6Y8 Digital Tachometer
*For Digital Network

6Y8 Speedometer & Fuel Manager
*For Digital Network

CL5 Display
Multiple information on LCD display
*For Digital Network


Aluminum Prop
(White paint)

Stainless Steel Prop
(Black paint)

Polished Prop
Three blades

Polished Prop
Four blades


2023 Marine Workshop Dealer Guide

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